
Reading time: 5 min
How to Write SMM Texts: 10 Simple Rules
Studies have shown that the average citizen of Russia spends 143 minutes a day on social networks, perceiving hundreds of informational messages. How to prevent a post of your brand from getting lost in the chaos of information, or - even worse - from annoying the picky and careful user, being, on the contrary, interesting and useful?

Reading time: 5 min
Newsjacking: How to Make Money on the Events?
Every year the majority of online users become more dynamic and more demanding to the daily content. Today they are more active than ever at watching the news, events, trends, so it is becoming more difficult for the brands to win the attention of the consumers in the overall info glut. In such complex conditions, newsjacking has become a real boon for modern PR managers, SMM-ers, advertisers and marketers.

Reading time: 5 min
CEO Personal PR
Personal PR always starts with setting goals. Make sure you answer one simple question: "WHAT do you need all this FOR?"

Reading time: 5 min
Celebrities on Instagram as a Brand Promotion Tool
We learned how much it costs to advertise in the stars' accounts and how effective it is for brand promotion. And now we're sharing it with you.

Reading time: 7 min
Top 10 popular internet memes 2013
Spice Media communication agency has made a rating of most popular internet memes in the year 2013.

Reading time: 4 минуты
Spice Media shares the secrets of advancing on Instagram
Advancing on Instagram is not difficult. It is enough to know only a few methods and rules for the application.

Reading time: 7 min
TOP – 10 of media wars of 2012
Communication agency Spice Media made a list of the lively media wars of the previous year.

Reading time: 7 min
Top - 10 of the most popular internet-memes of 2012
Communication agency Spice Media listed the most popular internet-memes of 2012.